Ashley King
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Ashley's Widgets
My widgets are small bits of code that I created for specialized purposes. They are't enough to warrant an individual site, but are useful nontheless.
Escrow Analysis Tool
This simple escrow analysis calculator was created to help mortgage specialists get an estimate of escrow for a twelve-month period. It isn't a replacement for a full escrow analysis, but for someone in a simple customer service role it can be a quick and easy way to provide an estimate of the cost of insurance and taxes paid from an escrow account for the coming year.
Prime Number Generator
A friend and I spent some time together always looking for a way to generate prime numbers more quickly. While primes are used in a number of applications, this was mostly an exercise in creating faster algorithms. The easiest language, of course, was Python, but it was quite slow. For the purpose of this widget, I used JavaScript, so that it can be generated entirely within the browser in real time.
This widget uses the "Sieve of Atkin", widely considered one of the fastest algorithms for finding large numbers of primes.
Amortization Calculator
There have been many occasions when I as asked to provide amortization calculations, but couldn't give official numbers. The tools existed that people could use, but they were often confusing for casual users.
When I realized how many people I encountered who didn't understand lending and couldn't use the available calculators without assistance, I created this one for use by non-lending employees where I worked.
Math Interpreter
I was pondering how one might write an interpreter. When I looked at the different parts needed, I realized the similarity to a simple calculator. I created this widget, which allows you to enter a math formula and it will provide the answer. Currently, it supports addition (+) and subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/), exponents (^), and parenthises (()).